So as not to lose your hair because the dye

First what you think of women at various ages for the change is Taltha [New Look], which is always beginning her hair, which is mindlessly unintended start pouring in by the colors and tints of green, black and even red .. And without knowing that it plans to have her hai

The risk of dye
Vabbgp is the most dangerous tools used to change hair color because they contain chemicals that may be offered hair burned and brittle and dry, as it is occurring health risks to the user, as pointed out some of the results of studies that hair dye can increase the risk of infections cancer especially because the main ingredient in the dye is Coal tar, which may also cause a skin rash in some individuals and Hersh and sensitivity.

And loneliness. The leading - Consultant dermatologist that the multiplicity of the use of different types of pigments in the hair does not fall ill, damaged health Kasala only, but repeated use of the dye up to less than four weeks or the use of dye color is completely different from the original color of the hair lead to damage the bark of hair and poor resistance to external factors .

Impact on the skin
Do not cause any damage to the facial skin, but if the person is allergic to a component of the dye in this case cause infections in the face, so you should visit a dermatologist as soon as the infection even if it were simple so as not to leave a lasting effect on the skin but in the case of the sensitivity of the scalp as a result of dyes and use frequent must immediately remove the materials holding and use of solvents, especially knowing that he does not need to cut the hair because the allergen become inactive after it dries the hair and allergy treatment itself depends on the type and severity of symptoms if the symptoms are simple only treatment is topical, but if symptoms are severe in this case the patient requires some oral medications for several weeks

After the treatment of allergy symptoms you must specify the type of allergens through the work of test sensitivity to the dermatologist and then refrain from dyes that contain this material, as well as to refrain from other materials that may share this article on chemical composition, such as certain medications and others.

So when you need to use hair dyes must be guaranteed source of a dye manufactured by international companies specialized and described in articles manufactured by and expiry date must also use dyes, which consists of natural materials Kalhnp is assuring the safety of types of dyes which do not cause allergies, but they give some sort is Fixed colors are not available but limited

Tips when you use the dye

-                                                 Do not leave the dye on the head for a long time.

- Wash your scalp thoroughly with water after using the dye.

- You must wear gloves that are found with the dye so as not to irritate the skin.

- Do not confuse the different hair dyes with each other if not You be interested in color because it could lead to adverse reactions.
- Do not dye your eyebrows and eyelashes so do not expose your eyes to the danger, because the eye is more sensitive than other members of the other body, it can be shown that swelling or inflammation of the eye may be offered to blindness.
- to avoid allergy symptoms of the dye-test the product can develop a simple dye behind the ear and do not wash for two days, and if there is itching, burning skin, rash and you should refrain from the use of this dye on the spot.

- Do not change your hair color every week and not only Tljii to dye your hair if the color shift to full white hair.

The easiest ways to work cue spike

Photo caption: The easiest ways to work cue spike

The cue spike or as they are called Hairdressers "cue Fishtail" one of the most Altsfivat which are very popular among most women, not only because strand generally give the appearance of women Locke a youth fun makes you look more vibrant and out, but they also adorn your hair look Romantic attractive, especially in wedding occasions Khflat degree make you look radiant princess lightning eyes.

The main feature of this Altsfivp it Tbozor details of the hair nicely, especially if some of the colorful _khaslath Balhae Light yellow or fiery red, your hair color appears in the plexus are nested mixed superbly

Action steps cue Fishtail

1- Pour a custom spray for styling your hair and then the entire comb Mctih large fingers or hands to break the contract and wisps interlocking.

2 - Put a very small amount of serum on your hands and Dlkiha between your fingers, your hands will make Valsirom Naamtin, and facilitate the process of differentiation of hair, as it will prevent hair from overlap each other.

3 - Gather your hair and Arbtih Bharitp small back or on one side of your face, then Avrekaya to have two characteristics equal in size exactly. Make sure you are well Tmiskin them between your fingers.

4 - Take a few filaments from thethe bottom the right so that trait comes from behind the ear and then put them above and Odmjeha trait with the left , thenpull a few hairs from the bottom of another trait the left and then put them above Odmjeha with the other side .

5 - Repeat this process for the parties to pray, do not worry if some Ansdlt Wisps of the strand, finish your task and you will see that the result has become staggering.

6 - After you are finished, Tie the strand by a band of satin and Massage plexus to loosen tight curls and give your hair a natural look attractive.

Work of the French Steps spike

 Differ from the regular French braid in that it relies on the idea of ​​braiding hair from the beginning of the entire front of the head to the parties. To implement this perfectly, Follow the following steps

1 - Take a small strand of the front of the head in the form of a triangle and then to have two characteristics equal Avrekayaa pectinate and both of them well to make sure of themselves free of the contract altogether, and Thbtehma in good hands.

2 - Put right hand on the left hand trait is taut and then Take the other strand from the left side at the line of hair, Mrreha Odmjeha above and with the other side, keeping each strand Ogmi well between the fingers of your hands.

3 - Repeat this process until you have finished all the side locks of hair near the hair line, and make sure as much as possible to be Wisps equal in size and density to show the strand in the Sui and stylish.

4 - after access to the area behind the ear, in the same way finish-strand braid fishtail and Tie Party hair neat bond

Spica French side

Although the previous Altsfiftin that needed for the long hair of course, but this does not prevent the application that you can you if your hair is medium length, but a little differently by braiding wisps in the front side gives Locke a more feminine and appealing:

1 - Gather the front only wisps of hair "hair from his forehead," one of the two sides to the left or right, so that this trait is the focus of the implementation of the plexus.

2 - Take a few filaments of the introduction of the trait and the halves of two characteristics identical in size and begin implementation of the strand in the same way as the previous should be doing each time by adding a lock of the portion of the plexus, not only from the rest of the hair.

3 - finish plexus behind the ear the same side that started it, then Tie Party hair after completion and for in the plexus on the head and Thbtiha using some hair pins. Finally, do not forget to carefully massage the head to relax the tight curls