Beaded Butt

Is creative fashion designers to transform what they like to Stylat or impressive fashion or sometimes strange. Has provided a set designer Alex Davis of the bot Bmodellat unusual after having made several trips in North Africa, and watch the spinning wool in Morocco overlapping geometric patterns or so-called "kilims"

For this, a group bots are all embroidered, like ankle length boot, the processor of the skin to resemble a natural chamois beige, decorated with a piece of wool embroidered with varying beige and ivory and green

The colors range from cutting the group, skin color model Viuar sentences "Big red slash of" bot-long leg of the skin is also normal, a little high-heeled square (3 cm), but comfortable, and come neck occupied the whole of wool in bright colors.

The longest bout in the group came from the black leather, a length above the knee, neck decorated with wool, which noted that the drawings and colors vary also vary from one bot to another

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