Save Up Sunday: First Edition

I'm half way through this semester and money is getting a little tighter so recently i've been trying to curb my spending. Unfortunately i like to tease (read: devastate) myself with expensive wishlists and items I must have but either can justify spending the money or just flat out couldn't afford even at my richest (which isn't very rich so i hope no designers think this is a critique of their pricing, i'm just a poor student/bar maid). So therefore i decided to start "Save Up Sunday" where i shared my wishlists with others and maybe lived vicariously through them (i'll keep my jealousy in check if you fall for and buy an item i post, i promise). These wishlists won't be strictly lingerie but i assure you everything will have a tenuous link back to the main focus of this blog (so no Marimo moss balls will appear no matter how much i really want one).

I love the work of Ramon Maiden and i've had my eye on this gorgeous print for a while but i've yet to start my art collection and since i move every year it's not a good time to have lots of framed prints.
It's no secret how much i love Hopeless Lingerie and these two pieces are absolutely perfect but way out of my budget. I'm actually considering trying to diy the cage garter but im sure it'll turn out horrendous.
As an astrophysics student having space undies is a very very exciting prospect, especially those that feature our moon (my third favourite moon). These are actually on sale but my sizes are sold out (all my tears have been shed) but i can still dream.
Ugh it's like this bikini was made for me, it's minimal but so architectural. I have a saved search on ebay just incase one of these pops up in the UK as i certainly can't afford to have it shipped from Australia (not to mention pay customs fees). Another pipe dream!
Jewellery will make a regular appearance on these lists as i have this love of mixing lingerie and key jewellery pieces. There's nothing cuter than stripping down to your undies and still having your minimal necklace, bracelet, anklet, earrings, etc on. These earrings are so amazing especially since they were inspired by the Delaunay triangulation and have a real 3D quality to them. 
This is such a frivolous item but still something that keeps cropping up on my radar and taunting me. I honestly can't think of what i could wear this under but it's so gorgeous i can't help but want it in my collection.
This ring has such a natural, delicate form that it's definitely a wardrobe staple. 

Let me know if you like the idea of "Save Up Sunday" and hopefully they'll become a weekly thing