Oflambsandlace's First Birthday


In case you weren't keeping tabs, the 27th of December 2012 was the day oflambsandlace was conceived and created on. I've been considering for some time now, just how i can mark this occasion. I know many blogs host lots of giveaways on their birthdays, some blogs go back over the year and highlight some of their favourite posts and most blogs take photographs with a cake. But lets be honest, i don't need an excuse to eat a whole cake by myself, hosting giveaways makes me anxious (no really, but what if no one enters?) and i'm sure if anyone wants to relive a whole year of oflambsandlace posts, they can just read the originals. Eventually i settled on something simple so i can commemorate the occasion without making too much of a fuss. Therefore, i'll keep this short and sweet.
Oflambsandlace was born out of a need for some kind of creative and frivolous outlet during a particularly tumultuous period in my life. It was and still is, purely self indulgent. But whilst initially, the indulgence came from providing a justification to my spending, something i did only as a respite from the blues, now i indulge in something different altogether. I take pleasure in interacting with the wider lingerie community and have met so many incredible people, all who share a common interest. When once, i could feel quite lonely and dismiss my passions because they appealed to no one i knew, now i am connected to people who understand where i'm coming from. I am also very privileged to have met someone who i consider to be one of my closest friends and my "separated at birth" twin through this blog. Someone i will treasure long after the end of Oflambsandlace, whenever that will be. This whole process has also inspired my foray into a long time family tradition of photography. I'd previously been reluctant to try my hand purely out of despondence that any photos i'd take would have no purpose. And whilst i was no where near a natural like many of my close family, this blog gave me a platform to post, scrutinise and improve on my skills. I now have the confidence to take photographs for pleasure and feel a sense of pride over my improvement (and sheer embarrassment over my early attempts).
Oflambsandlace has enriched my life but it would have been nothing without the never-ending support from those who read, promote and interact with it. So here's a big thank you. And here's to another lingerie filled year.