Why I Don't Support Repost Accounts

Lingerie from Agent Provocateur SoireƩ and Bedroom Behavior.
So this article was retweeted onto my twitter timeline and it struck a chord, i'd suggest you read it as the more eloquent, sister post to this one. The subject of that article, and this blog post, is one that i've been battling with for a while. And whilst that article addresses a whole lot of great points about why repost accounts can harm the designers, photographers, models, MUAs, etc behind photos, it's not written from a bloggers perspective and that is ever increasingly becoming a narrative that needs to be shouted about as well ( i also can't speak from the perspective of other kinds of creatives so that article does a great job). I've shouted a lot about it on my twitter and my old personal instagram, and i've also debated on writing a guest post for a lingerie collective discussing it, but i think it's time i compact my thoughts on this issue and have it shouted loud and clear on my blog as to why i don't support repost accounts and why i kind of struggle to respect people who do.

Lingerie from Agent Provocateur
Repost accounts thrive from taking the best of others' hard work. They see a photo they like, and they do exactly as the name suggests and repost it to whatever social media they want to gain a following on. Often these accounts do amass a large following (larger than that of the creatives they're stealing from) because they get to cherry pick their content. They don't have to put any effort into creating it and they can find and post the best photos around, regularly. And there are multiple sides to my argument against supporting them. 
Often repost accounts believe that by crediting their original source, they have covered their backs. They haven't. International Copyright laws state that the copyright of an image belongs to the photographer unless the photographer has contractually agreed to relinquish copyright to a company they are employed by or to another individual. All it takes to violate copyright and thereby break international laws, it to repost a photograph without the explicit written permission of the copyright holder. Credit is not enough. Credit is never enough. The copyright holder is entitled to have full control over the audience their work is presented to. And this is the same for all creative content, not just photos. As the article linked above states, especially in the lingerie world, having control over your audience is a seriously important thing and our images can easily be misconstrued or exploited. And yet these accounts thrive by taking images without permission. And that is ignoring the accounts that don't even credit their stolen images, or credit them to tumblr or pinterest. It is the responsibility of the repost account to not only find the original source of an image or writings, but to also seek permission before they repost. Time and time again i have requested my images be removed (not credited because i give zero fucks about "exposure") from repost accounts only to be met with rudeness back. It is not the responsibility of the creative to constantly scour the internet for violations to their copyright, it is the responsibility of those who want to repost their works, to ask first. It's not only rude, it's also illegal to not do so.
Lingerie from Underground Undies
We live in a world where a large following/audience/fan base/whatever you like to call it, can equate to money. Not just petty cash, but large sums of money. This means that there exist people who can make money off of the hard work of others. These repost accounts can put zero effort into creating content by stealing it from others, and yet could be paid for that. So often do i see instagram accounts with a "lingerie shop coming soon. Enjoy the inspiration" in their bio. These accounts are doing just that, using the work of others (often uncredited, almost always posted without permission) to gain enough followers that they can successfully launch a business and make money. All types of social media can be monetised in some way and its sad that people continue to support accounts that solely exist because of the hard work of others.
And the really sad thing is, so many people believe that "exposure" to a high following is payment enough for their creative content. That no publicity is bad publicity. But there is a difference between a good audience and a bad one. You can have thousands of followers on your social media and only get hundreds of likes, you can also have hundreds of followers on social media and get hundreds of likes. Curating an audience that respect and understand what you do and why you do it, is more important than having your content exposed to a vast audience that won't. The benefits you get from "exposure" will always be far less than the benefits afforded to the repost account. Legally, your time is worth at least minimum wage. Your integrity is worth more. These accounts operate under the assumption that they can gain success without lifting a finger because you are driven by flattery but flattery isn't payment for your work and neither are a few extra followers (pro tip: you'll never gain the same amount of followers as the repost account so you'll never be able to monetise like they can. Most people follow those accounts out of laziness. They don't need to keep up with the original creatives when they can see it all in one place).

There are instances where i'm happy for my images to be reposted. But i expect to be asked beforehand. That's my legal right and it's polite too. You won't make a friend out of me by sharing my content without my consent. But i will allow brands to repost my photos, friends, collectives not accounts who just repost the works of others. It's important to remember that your time, your effort, your ideas, are worth more than credit on a repost. It's important to remain vigilant against repost accounts that don't ask permission, don't credit, act like it's not their responsibility to do these things and then ultimately act rude towards creatives who do ask to have their content removed.  No one should be able to succeed from your work without your consent, and you should always stop and ask what your motives and their motives are before giving that consent. Chances are they don't want to appreciate your work, or help you out, they just want to help themselves out. Most professional photographers charge to have their images reposted. They consider their time, effort and content to be worth money. These repost accounts have so little respect for the copyright holders, that they just consider all of that to be free. It's not. Please remember that.