Aurora Lingerie

Last month I had a birthday, I turned 23 in rather a quiet fashion. I don't bother reminding anyone in my life about my birthday, I reason that if they want to celebrate my life then they'll remember and if they don't then i'm not forcing them to. Also my name literally shortens to the month I was born in so why put the effort into remembering for people too lazy or uncaring? But it's a martyr-ish practice that makes me really appreciate when people do remember and even more so when they put thought into cards or presents. So obviously I was thrilled when all my friends didn't forget completely and one bought me a present.

I was introduced to Aurora Lingerie when I purchased from them for ThighHighsandGlitter's birthday (or was it christmas?) present. I genuinely can't remember if they were on my wishlist or hers first but naturally an indie brand making beautiful loungewear and also out of the city we both call home, clearly E and I were not going to pass up on buying each other sets. And so I was thrilled to receive a little blue box (oh yes, they come with storage boxes) for my birthday.

So I was super lucky enough to receive the Marilyn High Waisted Shorts and Cropped Camisole in the Sheer Black fabric in sizes XS. First things first, i'm going to spoil this whole review by telling you i've barely stopped wearing this set since it was given to me. In fact I look forward to getting home from work every day and putting this on to laze about my apartment (i've also considered wearing it out on a hot day because who can be bothered with clothes?). This set is insanely comfortable, very flattering in my opinion and so damn cute. I've mentioned before that my comfort test is being able to sleep in a set, since i'm exceptionally fussy in bed and can only wear a certain type of knickers and nothing else, but i've been sleeping in this too. No issues, no fuss, no discomfort. Just silky happiness. The only little thing that bothers me is that I have to get my beau to tie the camisole straps in a strong knot otherwise they come undone with wear but I love the option to pick the length of the straps yourself. I have quite short shoulders and obviously a very unprojected bust so most straps on camisoles constantly slip off but i've been able to get a snug, ideal length on this set.

An XS in these pieces are advertised to fit up to a 32.5" bust, 23.5" waist and 34" hips. I find this fit perfect for me, the fullest part of my bust measures 30", my waist is 24" and my hips are 32.5". I don't find the set too snug anywhere at all. I feel like Goldilocks. The construction is all flawless with all the seams being neat and minuscule and the waistband elastic doesn't spin or warp at all. 

I know I often end a review with what i'd like to purchase next from a brand and this is going to be no exception. I genuinely need, not want, I need the Marilyn set in the Ivory, Scarlett and Cinderella colours so I don't exhaust this one and so I always have a set on hand to lounge about in. And as soon as i've stopped financing welcoming a new family member, I promise one of these will be the first thing I buy. They make not be as exciting as my overly strappy pieces to blog about but i spend 97% of my time not blogging and I want to do that in the Marilyn set.

Also just thought i'd mention that i'm not really using twitter anymore, it was just bumming me out to put it lightly and I didn't feel like it was really an important platform for the blog anyway so if you did keep up with Of Lambs and Lace updates on twitter then you can still follow me on bloglovin, instagram or by signing up to my google friend connect over there on the right of the page. Thanks for all your support!