Produced plants cosmetics in India the latest cosmetics in fashion Indian is red lips (lip stick) is made of natural herbs in the same effect of Viagra which contributes to the increase virility of men and sexual arousal in women, the researchers explained in the Institute of Medicine Indian, this
product raises the emotional feelings and sexual desires, and eliminates idle and helps to bring calm intellectual in women and men, which makes for a kiss on Jdidaoahar scientists in their report that the human body absorbs odors and vapors through the skin, and are the lips more
areas of the body sensitivity, one of the areas exciting race, so is the best for skin absorption
Because of the high demand for Viagra, or so-called pill blue allocated to the treatment of
impotence, and is caused by abuse of complications and increased risk of heart attacks and death, experts have found ways and new forms of treatment of ED is the avoidance of complications and adverse effects resulting from the use of medication
Previous studies have shown that Viagra increases the risk of heart attack, but recent research has shown that this drug does not adversely affect the heart, but may benefit him, may be useful in the treatment of respiratory diseases in young as well!