Look Ma no pants! But seriously, the weather here has almost been resembling summer, for at least one day a week. Living in England means that when it does exceed 20 degrees (celsius my dears) our un-airconditioned buildings become sweltering. I'm stuck in the university library, a very warm and slightly smelly building, intensively revising for my upcoming exams so no pants and no bra is a necessity.
Going braless is tricky, either you have to wear thick layers or throw caution to the wind and wear something so revealing you have to dig out the tit tape.
A short skirt always calls for full bum underwear and these exceedingly comfortable, if a little juvenile, Boux Avenue knickers are perfect for not only this outfit but also for my "sitting on my bum revising Quantum physics all day" circumstances.
Also over the knee socks and big shoes because otherwise i'd look naked.