An introduction

At some point in our lives we all experience some kind of body acceptance. We recognise that we are the way we are and either we have to learn to live with that or do something about it. Unfortunately body acceptance doesn't often lead itself to body confidence. We begrudge ourselves the right to not obsess over our self confessed (and not universally agreed upon) flaws but we rarely allow ourselves to develop a genuine positive attitude about it. This comes about, mostly, because it's not sodding easy to change deeply ingrained behavioural patterns. When your own flaws can feel like the elephant in the room at all times how can you suddenly learn to love them? I'm no cognitive behavioural therapist but i am working towards being confident about what i used to believe was one of my biggest flaws (or defects as i've referred to it before), my small bust. I don't have unwavering confidence about this part of me, and i probably never will do, but most days i'm happy with what i've got. And more importantly, during the times where i do falter i've managed to develop coping mechanisms that can help me quickly get back to accepting and enjoying the body i have.
Over the next week i will share my, personal, five commandments, over five consecutive days, that i swear by for gaining a little bit of confidence. Although these posts as a whole are aimed at gaining confidence in a small bust, many of the commandments can be used by those wanting to gain a general love of their body or bust, whatever size they may be. Everyone is different, however, and what may work and be a revelation to me or others might seem wholly ridiculous, or very obvious to you. If, at any point, when reading these posts you feel like you want to share your own commandments towards body confidence, not limited to just those with a small bust, then please do share them in the comments. I'd love to end this week with a master list of techniques and behaviours that can help someone towards being happy in themselves.

Other posts in this series: