What Lamb's Wearing Wednesday

I haven't shared a WLWW post for 2 weeks but it should be apparent that in that time i've given up on the British summer and gone back to my winter blacks. For the next, ooh probably ten months, my lingerie will be the most colourful part of my outfits. Y'know i don't think i actually own any black knickers. I should probably change that.
I've been getting some use out of my pretty bralettes a lot recently, in particular the ones i forgot i owned. Which includes this Agent Provocateur Suki bra. I'm not a fan of wearing non moulded bras under tight clothes so this wool ballet wrap on top was a good idea. Not to mention it kept me warm at an early morning car boot sale, and gives a seriously lush 80's power silhouette.
As per i'm wearing a bodycon so the usual rules apply to avoid vpl and a Topshop thong always fits the bill. No surprise there!