Breakfast With Frida

From time to time i find myself chasing sleep depravation into dawn. As the world's greatest sleeper (and no that's not an official title but most people would agree i deserve the award) there are few things that i will happily forego my regular fourteen hours in dreamland for. Dawn is one of those things. Dawn is an exceptionally special time in the countryside where i'm currently situated, until i get internet in my city flat. The light, being ridiculously golden in colour, lies low across the hills and if you stick your entire torso out of the window you can actually feel the dew in the air. Couple that with Van Morrison's Astral Weeks and a view across the entire valley and, well, you have a damn good reason to stay up all night.
During this time there are two things i like to do; wear comfy knickers and shop for comfy knickers. Which is how i came to be joined by my love, and idol, Frida Kahlo for breakfast. Aside from being a piece of design genius (because who doesn't want Frida that close to their delicate parts?), these knickers are also a bit of construction genius too. As a victim of an unsuccessful attempt at lingerie creation, i have mad admiration for those who manage to make the whole ordeal so simple. And what's simpler than knickers with no unnecessary seams and no elastic? Perfect for tight fitting clothing or staying up all night. I'll take ten!
Unfortunately for you, the Frida fabric seems to have been of limited supply and so, between buying myself a pair, and my darling guest blogger Amélie a pair, the Frida knickers seem to have completely sold out. However, if you happen to be a fan of Brigitte Bardot, Salvador Dali, Elvis or Andy Warhol then i'd buy yourself a pair from Farfan Jewlry on etsy (for only £13.21) and quick, before i late night snaffle the lot.